Float Glass

Global Leader in the Manufacture of Float Glass Equipment

orwell engineering in float glass

Your Partner in Advanced Float Glass Solutions.

Since the development of Float Glass manufacturing Orwell Engineering has been involved with the development of equipment to meet the ever growing demand. 

We can offer:

Evolving with the Industry: Meeting Modern Demands for Quality and Reliability

The equipment in use today on float glass production across the world has been developed in Orwell workshops working closely with their clients.

Throughout the years there have been changes in design, materials and methods of manufacture to establish the quality and reliability of the equipment in use today.

Orwell has a thorough understanding of customers’ requirements and employs best practice procedures in equipment supply.

Orwell are proud that currently the majority of float lines around the world are operating with Orwell equipment.

our services

Turn-key Packages

Orwell Engineering in conjunction with the Orwell Switchgear & Control division, specialise in turn-key equipment supply packages.

Commissioning & Supervision

Orwell Engineering provide site supervision and an equipment installation service.


All manufacturing is undertaken on Orwell premises using the latest in engineering technologies ensuring our standards are maintained and clients requirements are satisfied

Orwell Global Float Glass Equipment Supplier